in a class of a hundred students ,50 are footballers,30 are basketballers & 20 are both footballers & basketballers .represent the above information in venn diagram

sorry, no diagrams here. But I bet you can do it. Just look in your text (or online) for similar situations, and change the numbers.

You just have to draw two intersecting circles.

in a class of 60 student,26 offer mathmatic and 28 offer physics if 8 student do not offer any of the two subject

(1)how many student offer both subject.
(2)how many student offer mathematic only.
(3)how many student offer physics only.
(4)how many student offer only one subject.set theory

To represent the information in a Venn diagram, follow these steps:

1. Draw a large rectangle to represent the entire class of 100 students.

2. Label the rectangle as "Class" or "100 students."

3. Draw two overlapping circles inside the rectangle. One circle represents the footballers, and the other represents the basketballers.

4. Label the footballer circle as "Footballers" and the basketballer circle as "Basketballers."

5. Note that 50 students are footballers, so write "50" inside the footballer circle.

6. Note that 30 students are basketballers, so write "30" inside the basketballer circle.

7. Finally, note that 20 students are both footballers and basketballers, so write "20" in the overlapping region of the two circles.

Your Venn diagram should now accurately represent the information provided.