A rectangular floor measures 546cm by 714cm. You have a lot of square tiles, each measuring 42cm by 42cm. How many of these tiles will you need to tile the floor?

You will need 221 tiles.

546 x 714 = 389,844cm

42 x 42 = 1,764cm

389,844 / 1,764 = 221 cm


1,764 x 221 = 389,844

So yes, you will need 221 tiles to fill 389,844cm in a rectangular area. I hope this helps! :)

546*714 /(42*42) = 221

but, is that exact?

546 / 42 = 13
714 / 42 = 17
yes, tiles do not have to be cut.

To calculate the number of tiles needed to tile the rectangular floor, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the area of the floor.
Area = length x width
= 546cm x 714cm
= 389,484 square cm

Step 2: Calculate the area of one tile.
Area of one tile = length x width
= 42cm x 42cm
= 1,764 square cm

Step 3: Divide the total area of the floor by the area of one tile to get the number of tiles needed.
Number of tiles needed = Area of floor / Area of one tile
= 389,484 square cm / 1,764 square cm
≈ 221.06

Since you cannot have a fraction of a tile, you will need to round up the number to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, you will need approximately 222 tiles to tile the floor.

To find the number of square tiles needed to tile the floor, we need to determine how many tiles fit in both the length and width of the floor.

First, we need to find out how many tiles fit horizontally. We divide the length of the floor (546 cm) by the width of a tile (42 cm):

546 cm ÷ 42 cm = 13 tiles

Next, we need to find out how many tiles fit vertically. We divide the width of the floor (714 cm) by the width of a tile (42 cm):

714 cm ÷ 42 cm = 17 tiles

To get the total number of tiles, we multiply the number of tiles horizontally by the number of tiles vertically:

13 tiles × 17 tiles = 221 tiles

Therefore, you will need 221 square tiles to tile the floor.