A plane traveling from Phoenix to Washington, D.C with a tailwind of 20 miles per hour takes 3 hours. The return trip in the same wind, which is now a headwind, takes the same plane 3 hours and 12 minutes. What is the average speed of the plane in calm conditions?

600 miles/hour
620 miles/hour
650 miles/hour
700 miles/hour

620 miles/hour

3(s+20) = 3.20(s-20)

s = 620
3*640 = 1920
3840/(3 + 3.20) = 619.35

so you are correct

To find the average speed of the plane in calm conditions, we need to consider the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time.

Let's calculate the total distance for both trips first:

For the trip from Phoenix to Washington, D.C:

Speed of the plane with the tailwind is plane's ground speed + tailwind speed = x + 20 mph.
The time taken for this trip is 3 hours.

So, the total distance covered is (x + 20) mph * 3 hours.

For the return trip from Washington, D.C to Phoenix:

Speed of the plane with the headwind is plane's ground speed - headwind speed = x - 20 mph.
The time taken for this trip is 3 hours + 12 minutes = 3.2 hours.

So, the total distance covered is (x - 20) mph * 3.2 hours.

Since the total distance covered in both trips is the same, we can equate the two expressions:

(x + 20) mph * 3 hours = (x - 20) mph * 3.2 hours.

Simplifying this equation:

3(x + 20) = 3.2(x - 20).

Distributing and simplifying further:

3x + 60 = 3.2x - 64.

Subtracting 3x and adding 64 on both sides:

60 + 64 = 3.2x - 3x.


124 = 0.2x.

Dividing both sides by 0.2:

x = 124 / 0.2.

Calculating x:

x = 620 miles/hour.

Therefore, the average speed of the plane in calm conditions is 620 miles/hour.

Hence, the correct answer is 620 miles/hour.

To find the average speed of the plane in calm conditions, we can use the formula: average speed = total distance / total time.

First, let's find the total distance of one leg of the trip. Since the plane took 3 hours to travel from Phoenix to Washington, D.C with a tailwind of 20 mph, the distance would be:

Distance = speed * time
Distance = (plane's speed + tailwind speed) * time
Distance = (x mph + 20 mph) * 3 hours
Distance = (x + 20) * 3

Now, let's find the total distance of the return trip. Since the plane took 3 hours and 12 minutes (which is 3 + 12/60 = 3.2 hours) to travel from Washington, D.C to Phoenix with a headwind of 20 mph, the distance would be:

Distance = speed * time
Distance = (plane's speed - headwind speed) * time
Distance = (x mph - 20 mph) * 3.2 hours
Distance = (x - 20) * 3.2

Since the total distance on the outbound trip is the same as the total distance on the return trip, we can set up an equation:

(x + 20) * 3 = (x - 20) * 3.2

Now, let's solve for x:

3x + 60 = 3.2x - 64
0.2x = 124
x = 620

Therefore, the average speed of the plane in calm conditions is 620 miles/hour. So the correct answer is option B: 620 miles/hour.