The Congress of Vienna in 1815:

A. was attended by representatives of France, Britain, Italy and the United States.
B. operated in accord with the principles of liberalism.
C. agreed to meet periodically to take steps to maintain Europe’s peace and stability.
D. created the Concert of Europe, an interchange of musicians who presented a gala series of performances, with concerts given in a different capital each year.


The correct answer is C. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 agreed to meet periodically to take steps to maintain Europe's peace and stability.

To find this answer, you can review the historical context and purpose of the Congress of Vienna, which was a diplomatic meeting after the Napoleonic Wars. The main goal of the Congress was to restore order and stability in Europe following the French Revolution and the subsequent military campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte.

During the Congress of Vienna, the representatives from various European countries discussed and negotiated a series of agreements and treaties. One of the key outcomes of the Congress was the establishment of the principle of international conferences, in which representatives from different countries would periodically meet to address issues affecting Europe as a whole.

This practice of periodic meetings to maintain peace and stability in Europe became known as the Concert of Europe. It was a framework through which the major powers of Europe worked together to prevent major conflicts and maintain the balance of power on the continent.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.