Write the letter of the property shown in each example.

a. Commutative Property of Multiplication
b. Identity Property of Multiplication
c. Associative Property of Addition
d. Identity Property of Addition
e. Associative Property of Multiplication
f. Commutative Property of Addition

1. (7 • 3)2 = 7(3 • 2)

2. 6 + 0 = 6

3. 9 + 2 = 2 + 9

4. 12 • 1 = 12

5. c • d = d • c

6. (3 + a) + b = 3 + (a + b)

1. a or e?

2. D

I'm sorry.

1. should be E.

2. D

3. C



1, correct

2. correct
3. F
4. B
5. A
6. C

To find the letter for each property shown in the examples, we need to identify the specific property that applies to each equation. Let's go through each example one by one:

1. (7 • 3)2 = 7(3 • 2)

This equation demonstrates that the order of multiplication can be changed. Since the equation shows that multiplying (7 • 3) and then multiplying the result by 2 is equal to multiplying 7 by (3 • 2), this corresponds to the Commutative Property of Multiplication. Thus, the letter for this example is a.

2. 6 + 0 = 6

In this equation, we see that adding 0 to any number does not change that number. This exemplifies the Identity Property of Addition, where the sum of any number and 0 remains unchanged. Therefore, the letter for this example is d.

3. 9 + 2 = 2 + 9

This equation demonstrates that the order of addition can be changed, resulting in the same sum. This is an illustration of the Commutative Property of Addition, which states that the order of adding two numbers does not affect the sum. Hence, the letter for this example is f.

4. 12 • 1 = 12

This equation shows that multiplying any number by 1 results in the same number. This aligns with the Identity Property of Multiplication, which states that the product of any number and 1 remains unchanged. Therefore, the letter for this example is b.

5. c • d = d • c

This equation indicates that multiplying two numbers can be done in any order without affecting the result. This is an indication of the Commutative Property of Multiplication, where the order of multiplying two numbers can be interchanged. The letter for this example is a.

6. (3 + a) + b = 3 + (a + b)

In this equation, we observe that the grouping of addition can be changed without affecting the sum. This showcases the Associative Property of Addition, which states that the way numbers are grouped when adding multiple numbers does not change the sum. Thus, the letter for this example is c.

To summarize, the letters corresponding to the properties shown in each example are as follows:

1. a. Commutative Property of Multiplication
2. d. Identity Property of Addition
3. f. Commutative Property of Addition
4. b. Identity Property of Multiplication
5. a. Commutative Property of Multiplication
6. c. Associative Property of Addition