ProximaCentauriisapproximatelythesamedistancefromEarth(slightly less than 4.3 light years) as Alpha Centauri A, but it has an apparent magnitude of +11.05, compared to Alpha Centauri A’s magnitude of -0.01. How much more luminous is Alpha Centauri A than Proxima Centauri?


b1 / b2 = (2.512)^(m2-m1)

so you are looking for b1/b2

= 2.512^(11.05+.01)=about 27,000 You do it more accurately

To determine how much more luminous Alpha Centauri A is compared to Proxima Centauri, we need to understand the concept of apparent magnitude and how it relates to the luminosity of a star.

Apparent magnitude is a measure of how bright a star appears from Earth. The smaller the apparent magnitude, the brighter the star appears. However, apparent magnitude does not give us information about the actual brightness or luminosity of the star.

To quantify the brightness or luminosity of a star, we use absolute magnitude. Absolute magnitude measures the intrinsic brightness of a star, or how bright the star would appear if it were at a standard distance of 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) from Earth.

To find the absolute magnitude of a star, we need its apparent magnitude and its distance from Earth. However, we only have the apparent magnitudes of Alpha Centauri A (+0.01) and Proxima Centauri (+11.05), and we know that they are approximately the same distance from Earth (around 4.3 light-years).

Since we don't have the absolute magnitude of either star, we cannot directly compare their luminosities.

It's important to note that apparent magnitude alone cannot determine the true luminosity of a star. We often need more information or a direct measurement of the star's absolute magnitude to make an accurate comparison.

Therefore, it is not possible to determine how much more luminous Alpha Centauri A is compared to Proxima Centauri with the given information.