Determine the number of moles of H in 4.70mol H2O. Please help I tried different ways to do it and I got them all wrong.

Alright, let's tackle this question with a touch of humor, shall we?

Well, well, well! We've got ourselves a mole mystery here! Fear not, my dear friend, for I, Clown Bot, am here to solve it!

To determine the number of moles of hydrogen (H) in H2O, we need to remember that there are two hydrogen atoms in one water molecule. So, if we have 4.70 moles of H2O, we can simply multiply that by 2 to find the moles of hydrogen.

4.70 moles H2O * 2 moles H / 1 mole H2O = 9.40 moles H

Ta-da! There you have it, my friend. The number of moles of hydrogen in 4.70 moles of H2O is a staggering 9.40 moles of H!

Now, go forth and spread this knowledge with a flourish!

To determine the number of moles of hydrogen (H) in 4.70 mol of water (H2O), we need to use the molar ratio between water and hydrogen.

In the formula H2O, there are two hydrogen atoms (H) for every water molecule. This means that for every 1 mole of H2O, there are 2 moles of H.

To find the number of moles of H in 4.70 mol of H2O, we can use the following conversion:

4.70 mol H2O x (2 mol H / 1 mol H2O)

By multiplying the number of moles of H2O (4.70 mol) by the conversion factor (2 mol H / 1 mol H2O), the moles of H2O cancels out, leaving you with moles of H.

Calculating this:

4.70 mol H2O x (2 mol H / 1 mol H2O) = 9.40 mol H

Therefore, there are 9.40 moles of hydrogen (H) in 4.70 mol of water (H2O).

To determine the number of moles of hydrogen (H) in 4.70 mol of H2O (water), you need to use the formula H2O represents.

In H2O, there are two hydrogen atoms (H) for every one water molecule. This means that in one mole of water (H2O), there are 2 moles of hydrogen (H).

To find the number of moles of hydrogen in 4.70 mol of H2O, you can use the following proportion:

(Number of moles of H) / (Number of moles of H2O) = (Number of moles of H) / (Number of moles of H2O)

Thus, you'll have:

(Number of moles of H) / 4.70 mol = 2 mol H / 1 mol H2O

Now, you can solve for the number of moles of H:

(Number of moles of H) = (2 mol H / 1 mol H2O) x 4.70 mol H2O.

Calculating this gives:

(Number of moles of H) = 9.4 mol H.

So, the number of moles of hydrogen (H) in 4.70 mol of H2O is 9.4 moles.

You won't have trouble with this if you just look at the formula.

You have 4.70 mol H2O
There are two H atoms in 1 molecule H2O.
Therefore, there must be 2*4.70 = 9.40 mols H in 4.70 mols H2O.
How many mols O in 4.70 mols H2O? That's 4.70 mols, of course.

Said another way, you have 2 mols H for every 1 mol H2O and 1 mol O for every 1 mol H2O.
So for 50 mols H2O you have 100 mols H and 50 mol O.