1. In which one of the following sentences does an adverb modify an adjective?

A. His appearance greatly affected Candace.
B. Mark was dressed properly.
C. Lucy danced tirelessly.
D. His shirt was extremely tight.

I think that it is D?

tight is an adjective

extremely is an adverb telling how tight.

Yes, D.

4. Which one of the following terms is most closely associated with interjections?

A. Emotion
B. Description
C. Action
D. Qualification

I think it is A Emotion

5. In the second sentence, the phrase "inside his trouser pockets" is a/an

A. independent clause.
B. subject of the sentence.
C. subordinate clause.
D. prepositional phrase.

I think it is D prepositional phrase?

Yes, both 4 and 5 are right.

This question is based on the following sentence:

Dolly must clean up her room before she goes out.

6. In this sentence, what word begins the subordinate clause?

A. before
B. clean
C. she
D. Dolly

I think it is A because the word before connects the two sentences together.She goes out is not a complete sentence.

You're right again! :-)

7. Which one of the following sentences includes a prepositional phrase?

A. Lois treasured her time off.
B. Terry and Rowena met Craig at the mall.
C. He came when I was away.
D. Because it was raining, Gladys stayed indoors.