Please help me with the following question:

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.

Six benches were left empty in every ship
that evening when we pulled away from death.
And this new grief we bore with us to sea:
our precious lives we had, but not our friends.
No ship made sail next day until some shipmate
had raised a cry, three times, for each poor ghost
unfleshed by the Cicones on that field.

Which key details should be included in a paraphrase of this passage? Check all that apply.

A. A shipmate cried out three times for each life lost.
B. Six men from each ship lost their lives at Cicones.
C. The ships pulled away from shore during the evening.
D. The men were greatly saddened by the loss of their friends.
E. Many of Odysseus’s men did not escape with their lives.

I think the answers are A, B, D, and E. Are they correct?

Please help me by checking my answers to this question. Any help will be appreciated! :)

Thank you Ms. Sue. I'll try leaving out E with my answer, and go with A, B, and D.

How does this excerpt prove that Odysseus causes his crew’s demise?

by explaining his haphazard travels

by describing his loyalty to Zeus

by showing his physical weakness

by revealing his ignorant assumptions

I agree.

You might omit E.

You're welcome.

by describing his loyalty to Zeus

by describing his loyalty to Zeus