Main clauses express a complete thought and appear in _____ sentences.




all of the above

@ms.sue can you help me?

What do you think?

its great! ty!

To determine which type of sentence contains main clauses expressing a complete thought, we need to understand the definitions of these sentence types.

1. Compound Sentences: These sentences consist of two or more independent clauses joined together with coordinating conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or). Each independent clause can stand alone as a separate sentence, expressing a complete thought.

2. Complex Sentences: These sentences contain one independent clause (which expresses a complete thought) and one or more dependent clauses (which do not express a complete thought and rely on the independent clause for context or meaning).

3. Compound-Complex Sentences: These sentences combine elements of both compound and complex sentences. They have two or more independent clauses (each expressing a complete thought) and one or more dependent clauses.

Based on these definitions, we can conclude that main clauses expressing a complete thought appear in all three sentence types: compound, complex, and compound-complex. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above."