Bacteria can reproduce through asexual or sexual reproduction. Environmental conditions for a particular bacteria species are good and the bacteria are thriving. Which form of reproduction will the bacteria most likely use?

A. The bacteria will most likely reproduce through asexual reproduction to maintain genetic continuity.
B. The bacteria will most likely reproduce thual reproduction to maintain genetic continuity.
C. The bacteria will most likely reproduce through asexual reproduction to increase genetic diversity.
D. The bacteria will most likely reproduce thual reproduction to increase genetic diversity.
Is the answer A?

1. C) Organisms must reproduce to continue the species.

2. D) Sexual reproduction is shown because the offspring received half its genetic material from one parent and half from the other parent.
3. A) The bacteria will most likely reproduce through asexual reproduction to maintain genetic continuity.
4. A) If the offspring inherits a genetic combination that includes a harmful trait, it could decrease the organism’s chance of survival.
5. B) If gametes were not haploid, the offspring would have double the number of chromosomes it is supposed to have.


In asexual reproduction, DNA from the parent cell _________ before it produces daughter cells.(1 point)

A: divides

B: produces cytoplasm

C: replicates

D: moves toward one pole


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