How can we prepare or change :

1) change unsaturated to saturated soln?
2) change unsaturated to supersaturated?
3) change saturated to unsaturated ?
4) change saturated to supersaturated ?
5) change supersaturated to unsaturated?
6) change supersaturated to saturated ?

To prepare or change the concentration of a solution from unsaturated to saturated or supersaturated, or vice versa, you can employ different methods. Here's a breakdown of how you can achieve each transformation:

1) Change unsaturated solution to saturated solution:
- Add more solute to the solution while keeping the temperature constant.
- Continuously add solute until it reaches a point where no more solute can dissolve, and there are visible undissolved particles in the solution. At this point, the unsaturated solution becomes saturated.

2) Change unsaturated solution to supersaturated solution:
- Start with an unsaturated solution at a higher temperature, allowing more solute to dissolve.
- Gradually cool down the solution while maintaining its concentration.
- As the temperature decreases, the solubility of the solute decreases, causing excess solute to precipitate out and form a supersaturated solution.

3) Change saturated solution to unsaturated solution:
- Decrease the concentration of the solute by removing some of it from the solution.
- This can be achieved through evaporation, filtration, or other separation techniques, which remove some of the dissolved solute.

4) Change saturated solution to supersaturated solution:
- Heat the saturated solution, increasing its temperature.
- Keep the solution at an elevated temperature while gradually adding more solute.
- Eventually, the solution will become supersaturated once the added solute exceeds its solubility limit at the higher temperature.
- Carefully cool down the solution while avoiding any disturbance or seeding to maintain the supersaturated state.

5) Change supersaturated solution to unsaturated solution:
- Disturb the supersaturated solution by introducing a seed crystal or stirring it gently.
- This causes excess solute to come out of the solution and form new crystals, thereby reducing the concentration to an unsaturated level.

6) Change supersaturated solution to saturated solution:
- Similar to changing to an unsaturated solution, you can achieve this by disturbing the supersaturated solution with a seed crystal.
- The seed crystal serves as a starting point for additional solute to crystallize, gradually reducing the concentration until it reaches the saturation point.