A long-haired cat (recessive trait s) is crossed with a heterocygous short-haired cat (dominant trait S). What percentage of their offspring will have long hair?

A. 100 percent
B. 50 percent
C. 25 percent
D. 0 percent
Is the answer C?

You didn't state whether the long haired cat is heterozygous or homozygous. It the long haired cat is hetero, then it is 25%. If it is , then it is 50%.

That's what my question is word for word.

I don't know what to do?

Maybe you could ask you teacher before that class starts, saying that the question wasn't clear. Or, if your school is anything like mine, you could go to tutorials in the morning and ask. For now, take a guess so you at least have an answer, and send some emails or texts to teachers or classmates. If multiple people are having the same problem, there might be something wrong with the assignment that the teacher will address tomorrow in class.

Oh. Well the question is 50 percent I got it wrong. Alot of the questions I post on here don't have a correct answer. I go to a school with livelessons and I don't have a text book only a couple pages of information. Thank You anyway.

draw a punnit square to help out -

| Ss | Ss |
ss _________________
| Ss | Ss |

sicnce S is domintit and hides the s D would be your answer

hetero and - .

hetero: diverse
: same

Gwen most of your answers are correct-

But 3. was B

True is correct tysm! i got a 100% >:D

Yes, the answer is C. 25 percent of their offspring will have long hair. Here's how you can determine this:

To begin with, let's represent the genotypes of the parent cats.

The long-haired cat (recessive trait s) can be represented as ss, since it only carries the recessive gene for long hair.

The short-haired cat (dominant trait S) is heterozygous, meaning it carries one dominant gene (S) and one recessive gene (s). So, its genotype can be represented as Ss.

Now, let's consider the possible combinations of alleles for their offspring.

When these two cats breed, their potential offspring genotypes can be determined using a Punnett square:

S s
s | Ss ss

Each square represents a potential genotype for the offspring. The top row represents the gametes (sperm or egg) from the short-haired parent, and the left column represents the gametes from the long-haired parent.

From the Punnett square, there are two possible genotypes for the offspring: Ss and ss. Only the ss genotype represents the long-haired trait (since it is a recessive trait), so 25 percent of the offspring will have long hair.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 25 percent.