I need to find out 3 interesting things about Spiders (not wordy things) that I can use for my "Totemic Animal" homework, have any ideas???



You're welcome.

Certainly! Here are three interesting and concise facts about spiders that you can use for your "Totemic Animal" homework:

1. Spiders have specialized silk glands in their bodies, which allow them to create different types of silk for various purposes, such as building webs, constructing egg sacs, or capturing prey.

To find this fact, you could search for "specialized silk glands in spiders" or "what is spider silk used for."

2. Some spiders have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. Unlike humans, spiders can regrow their legs if they happen to lose one due to injury or other circumstances.

To find this fact, you could search for "spiders regrow limbs" or "spider limb regeneration."

3. Spiders play an essential role in controlling insect populations. They help maintain ecological balance by hunting and feeding on various insects, playing a crucial part in pest control.

To find this fact, you could search for "spiders role in pest control" or "how do spiders help control insect populations."

Remember, these are just brief snippets of information, and you can explore each topic further for more details if needed.