Bobby has some of them are of them are red and the rest are green.if he has 7 green marbles, how many marbles does have altogether?

1/2 = 3/6

1/3 = 2/6
1 = 6/6

6/6 - 3/6 - 2/6 = 1/6 = Green

1/6 * M = 7 = Green
M = 42 Marbles.


Very poor

To find the total number of marbles that Bobby has, we need to add up the number of blue, red, and green marbles.

Let's start by finding the number of blue marbles. We know that one-third of the marbles are blue. So, if we assume that the total number of marbles is "x," then the number of blue marbles is x/3.

Next, let's find the number of red marbles. We are told that one-half of the marbles are red. So, the number of red marbles can be represented as x/2.

Finally, we know that the rest of the marbles are green, and we are told that Bobby has 7 green marbles.

Thus, the equation becomes:
x = x/3 + x/2 + 7

To solve this equation, we need to find a common denominator for x/3 and x/2, which is 6. Multiplying each term by 6, we get:
6x = 2x + 3x + 42
6x = 5x + 42
x = 42

Therefore, Bobby has a total of 42 marbles.