Two phone companies offer discount rates to students.

The first company wants $9.95 per month plus $.10 per minute for long distance calls.
The second company wants $12.95 per month plus $.08 per minute for long distance calls.

Write a linear equation describing the total cost, y, for x minutes of long distance calls from Company 1.

Write a linear equation describing the total cost, y, for x minutes of long distance calls from Company 2.

How many minutes of long-distance calls would it take for the cost of long-distance for both offers to be the same?

Which method did you use to solve this problem?

Company 1 = 9.95+0.10x = y

Company 2 = 12.95+0.08x = y

Not sure of the second question

You make both equations equal for themselves, then solve for x.


happy birthday

To write the linear equation for the total cost from Company 1, we can use the formula: y = 0.10x + 9.95. Here, x represents the number of minutes of long-distance calls and y represents the total cost in dollars.

Similarly, to write the linear equation for the total cost from Company 2, we can use the formula: y = 0.08x + 12.95. Here, x again represents the number of minutes of long-distance calls and y represents the total cost in dollars.

To find the number of minutes of long-distance calls where the cost is the same for both offers, we need to set the two equations equal to each other and solve for x:

0.10x + 9.95 = 0.08x + 12.95

First, subtracting 0.08x from both sides gives:

0.02x + 9.95 = 12.95

Next, subtracting 9.95 from both sides gives:

0.02x = 3

Dividing both sides by 0.02 gives:

x = 150

Hence, it would take 150 minutes of long-distance calls for the cost of long-distance for both offers to be the same.

To solve this problem, I used algebraic equations and solved for x by isolating the variable and performing the necessary operations.