One important outcome of Edwin James’ expedition reports is that __________.

A.illustrations of bison encouraged Americans to hunt them to near extinction
B.accounts of rich, fertile soil encouraged Americans to settle the land
C.descriptions of inhospitable land discouraged colonization for many years
D.depictions of hostile native tribes discouraged colonization for many years

I looked through some stuff, and this is what I found.....

"Prairies symbolize both abundance and fragility in American environmental history. During the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, from 1801 to 1809, he wrote that the expansive prairies of the midcontinent were treeless because they were too fertile to allow trees to grow. Jefferson's interpretation bolstered his hopes for American agricultural expansion westward but did not fit the experiences of later explorers. Edwin James, chronicler of Stephen Long's (1784–1869) 1820 expedition across the Great Plains, characterized the region as the Great American Desert. Contrary to Jefferson, James equated tree-lessness with infertility, writing that the region could never be used for agriculture. Both of these contrasting images reflect the American experience with prairies."

Does this mean the answer is B or D?
I think B though

Ms.Sue, You are extremely unhelpful. You're also quite rude, Please do go back to mannerism school.

Thank you

Im sorry, I meant C, I don't know why I chose D... :?

Based on the provided information, the important outcome of Edwin James' expedition reports is likely option B: accounts of rich, fertile soil encouraged Americans to settle the land.

The passage states that Edwin James characterized the region as the Great American Desert, associating treelessness with infertility and suggesting that the region could never be used for agriculture. This description would have discouraged colonization for many years. However, the contrasting interpretation by Thomas Jefferson, who believed that treelessness indicated fertile soil, gave hope for agricultural expansion westward. This account of fertile soil would have encouraged Americans to settle the land.

Therefore, it seems option B is the most appropriate answer based on the provided information.

Neither of your answers is correct.

What did Edwin James say about the Great Plains?

C is right.

You're welcome.