we painted the wall green yesterday. this pattern is svoca am i correct .

It's subject, verb, object.

What is ca?


This sentence does not have an indirect object.

What does ca mean?


We painted the wall green yesterday

Actually, SVOCa stands for Subject-Verb-Object-Complement-adverbial phrase, which is a common sentence pattern used in English. However, the sentence "We painted the wall green yesterday" does not follow this specific pattern.

In your sentence, "we" is the subject, "painted" is the verb, "the wall" is the direct object specifying what was painted, "green" is the object complement describing the result of the action, and "yesterday" is an adverbial phrase indicating when the action took place.

To confirm if your sentence follows the SVOCa pattern, you can break it down as follows:

- Subject (S): "we"
- Verb (V): "painted"
- Object (O): "the wall"
- Complement (C): "green"
- Adverbial phrase (A): "yesterday"

In conclusion, the sentence "We painted the wall green yesterday" follows the SVOCA sentence pattern, not SVOCa.