Which statement best represents how structure relates to function?

A- a horse's mane is often black

B- many tropical birds can be taught to speak

C- butterfly cocoons are often camouflaged

D- some insects live longer than others

Thank you so much Ms.Sue!!

You're welcome, Skye.

D- some insects live longer than others

The statement that best represents how structure relates to function is C- butterfly cocoons are often camouflaged.

Structure refers to the physical characteristics or form of an organism, while function refers to the purpose or role that a particular structure serves for an organism. In this case, the structure of butterfly cocoons being camouflaged is directly related to the function it serves, which is protecting the developing butterfly from predators.

To get to this answer, you can understand the relationship between structure and function by considering the purpose of a structure in relation to its physical characteristics. In the case of butterfly cocoons, their camouflage allows them to blend in with their surroundings, making them difficult for predators to spot. This helps increase the chances of survival for the developing butterfly inside.