Why do scientists use standard units of measurement?

because their tools only measure in these units
because other units are either too small or too large to work with
so they can communicate findings without confusion***
so that people who are not scientists cannot understand them

am i right?

Yes, C is the correct answer. You can also look at the first related question below. I hope this helps! :)

thanks Brady:)

You're welcome, SkatingDJ. :)

what is the difference between mass and weight?

Yes, you are correct. Scientists use standard units of measurement primarily so that they can communicate their findings without confusion. Let me explain further:

1. Consistency and reproducibility: Standard units provide a consistent framework for measuring and quantifying various properties. This allows different scientists, regardless of their location or field of study, to conduct experiments and make observations using the same units. It ensures that measurements can be replicated and compared by other scientists, leading to more accurate and reliable results.

2. Universal understanding: Standard units are internationally accepted and understood by scientists all over the world. This allows researchers from different countries to communicate and collaborate effectively by using a common language of measurement. By using a standardized system, scientists can easily comprehend the numerical values and the magnitude of the measured quantities.

3. Compatibility with tools: Many scientific instruments are designed to measure properties in specific units. These tools are calibrated and verified using standard units. By ensuring that their measurements align with established unit systems, scientists can rely on the accuracy and precision of their instruments.

4. Avoidance of confusion: Standard units help avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding in scientific communication. With a single unit system, there is less room for misinterpretation or miscommunication of results. This fosters clarity and facilitates effective sharing and understanding of scientific findings among researchers, educators, and the general public.

To summarize, scientists use standard units of measurement to promote consistency, enable universal understanding and communication, ensure compatibility with measurement tools, and avoid confusion in the scientific community.