Which variable expression represents the word phrase?

six decreased by the sum of a number and two.

A- (m + 2) - 6

B- 6 - (m - 2)

C- (m - 2) + 6

D- 6 - (m + 2)

I'll be glad to check your answer.

My guess is D, is that right Ms. Sue?

and thank u anonymous!! :)

Why did you GUESS D?

That is correct

thank u stephen!!

Though you should follow the way of Ms. Sue it is important that you do you own work because skills such as this math will only be learned through your trial and error

To determine the variable expression that represents the given word phrase, "six decreased by the sum of a number and two," we can break down the phrase into its mathematical components.

In the phrase, "a number" can be represented by the variable "m," and "the sum of a number and two" can be represented as "(m + 2)." Furthermore, "six decreased by the sum of a number and two" can be expressed as "6 - (m + 2)."

Therefore, the variable expression that represents the word phrase is option D: 6 - (m + 2).