Michelle is now 50 miles ahead of John. Michelle is traveling at a constant rate. John is traveling in the same direction, at a rate 10 miles per hour faster than Michelle. In how many hours will John catch up to Micelle?

John has to make up 50 miles at 10 mi/hr

That will take 5 hours.

To find out how many hours it will take for John to catch up to Michelle, we can set up a distance equation.

Let's assume that it takes John "t" hours to catch up to Michelle.

In "t" hours, Michelle would have traveled a distance of 50 miles (since she is already 50 miles ahead of John), and John would have traveled a distance of t * (10 miles/hour) more than Michelle.

So, the equation becomes:
Distance traveled by Michelle = Distance traveled by John

50 miles = (10 miles/hour) * t hours

To find t, we can divide both sides of the equation by 10 miles/hour:

50 miles / 10 miles/hour = t

Simplifying, 5 hours = t.

Therefore, it will take John 5 hours to catch up to Michelle.