How many thousands of people live in Boston ma.if population is 617,594

Reasoning Describe the relationship between the two digit 3's in the population of Tampa if the population is 335, 709?

3=100 thousands and 3=10 thousands

To find out how many thousands of people live in Boston, MA, when the population is 617,594, you need to divide the population by 1,000.

Here's how you can calculate it:

Divide the population by 1,000:
617,594 / 1,000 = 617.594

So, there are approximately 617.594 thousands of people living in Boston, MA. However, since we are looking for a whole number, we need to round it to the nearest whole number.

Rounding 617.594 to the nearest whole number gives us:

617.594 ≈ 618

Therefore, there are approximately 618 thousands of people living in Boston, MA.

six hundred


six hundred eighteen