
Are you solving for x?

If solving for X, multiply both sides by 35 to get rid of the denominators.

28X + 5 = 280

Subtract 5 from both sides, then divide by 28.

To solve the equation 4X/5 + 1/7 = 8, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Clear the denominators to simplify the equation. To do this, we need to find a common denominator for 5 and 7, which is 35. Multiply both sides of the equation by 35 to get rid of the fractions:

35 * (4X/5) + 35 * (1/7) = 35 * 8

This simplifies to:
(35 * 4X)/5 + (35 * 1)/7 = 35 * 8

Step 2: Cancel out any common factors and simplify. In this case, the 35 is a common factor, so we can cancel it out:

(4X * 7)/5 + (1 * 5)/7 = 35 * 8

Which simplifies to:
(28X)/5 + 5/7 = 35 * 8

Step 3: Distribute the variable through the brackets. Multiply 4X by 7/5:

(28X)/5 + 5/7 = 35 * 8

(28X * 7)/(5 * 7) + 5/7 = 280

Simplifying further:
196X/35 + 5/7 = 280

Step 4: Combine like terms. The left side of the equation has fractions with different denominators, so we need a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple of 35 and 7 is 35. Multiply the fractions by the necessary factors to get a common denominator:

(196X * 7)/(35 * 7) + (5 * 5)/(7 * 5) = 280

(1372X + 25)/245 = 280

Step 5: Solve for X. To isolate X, we need to get rid of the fraction on the left side. Multiply both sides of the equation by 245 to clear the denominator:

245 * [(1372X + 25)/245] = 280 * 245

This simplifies to:
1372X + 25 = 68600

Step 6: Solve for X. Subtract 25 from both sides of the equation:

1372X + 25 - 25 = 68600 - 25

1372X = 68575

Step 7: Divide by 1372 to solve for X:

(1372X)/1372 = 68575/1372

X = 50

So the solution to the equation 4X/5 + 1/7 = 8 is X = 50.