Open is to close as retreat is to. I'm not sure if pursue could be the right answer


open is to close as retreat is to

I believe so. Makes sense.

Advance is a better antonym.

Open is to close as retreat is to

Open is to close as retreat is to

I'm pretty sure that the answer is Urge

Very sure it’s to pursue here’s the definition

follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.


To find the appropriate word to complete the analogy "Open is to close as retreat is to...", we need to identify the relationship between the terms in the analogy.

In the first pair, "open" and "close," we have contrasting actions where one is the opposite of the other. Therefore, the relationship between "open" and "close" is that "close" is the opposite action or state of "open".

Now, let's consider the second pair, "retreat" and the potential word "pursue". If we examine their meanings, "retreat" refers to moving back or withdrawing, while "pursue" means to actively chase or follow. Though "pursue" is the opposite of "retreat" in terms of action, it is not a suitable choice for completing the analogy because it does not convey the idea of being an opposite action or state.

The appropriate word that represents the opposite action or state of "retreat" would be "advance" or "proceed" because they describe moving forward or going in the opposite direction of retreating.

Therefore, the correct answer to the analogy "Open is to close as retreat is to..." would be "advance" or "proceed".