Write -1/9, 4/7, 7/4 in order from least to greatest

Do you know how to find the least common denominator

To order fractions from least to greatest, we need to compare their values. In this case, we have three fractions: -1/9, 4/7, and 7/4.

Let's compare the fractions:

-1/9 is a negative fraction closer to zero. Since negative numbers are smaller than positive numbers, we can infer that -1/9 is the smallest fraction.

Next, let's compare 4/7 and 7/4:

To compare fractions with different denominators, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 28 (9 x 4 = 36, 7 x 4 = 28).

Now let's convert each fraction to this common denominator:

-1/9 is already in the form of 28/252.

4/7 can be converted to (4 x 4)/(7 x 4) = 16/28.

7/4 can be converted to (7 x 7)/(4 x 7) = 49/28.

Now that all the numbers have a common denominator of 28, we can compare them directly:

-1/9 = 28/252
4/7 = 16/28
7/4 = 49/28

By comparing these fractions, we can see that: 28/252 < 16/28 < 49/28

Therefore, when ordering the fractions from least to greatest, the final order is:

-1/9, 4/7, 7/4