write a programe which calculate the number of five subjects also show the average and grade of the desire total.

To write a program that calculates the number of five subjects, as well as the average and grade of the desired total, you can use the following Python code:

# function to calculate the average grade
def calculate_grade(total):
if total >= 90:
return "A+"
elif total >= 80:
return "A"
elif total >= 70:
return "B"
elif total >= 60:
return "C"
elif total >= 50:
return "D"
return "F"

# function to calculate the total and call calculate_grade function
def calculate_total_and_grade(subjects):
total = sum(subjects)
average = total / len(subjects)
grade = calculate_grade(total)
return total, average, grade

# main program
subjects = []
for i in range(5):
subject = float(input("Enter subject marks: "))

total, average, grade = calculate_total_and_grade(subjects)

print("Total marks:", total)
print("Average marks:", average)
print("Grade:", grade)

In this program, we define two functions:
1. `calculate_grade(total)`: This function takes the total marks as input and returns the corresponding grade based on the grading scale.
2. `calculate_total_and_grade(subjects)`: This function takes a list of subject marks as input, calculates the total and average marks, and then calls the `calculate_grade` function to determine the grade.

In the main program, a loop is used to input the marks for each subject. The `calculate_total_and_grade` function is then called with the list of subject marks, and the total, average, and grade are displayed.

Note: This program assumes that the marks entered are out of 100 and the grading scale ranges from A+ to F. You can modify the grading scale and conditions in the `calculate_grade` function as per your requirements.