for these three characteristics of language: arbitrariness, displacement, and productivity we have to explain what would happen to our language if we lose one of these characteristics.

ie. what would our language obtain, how would our communication be affected, and wat type of statements would we no longer be able to produce?

For Arbitrarieness, we would obtain much more diagrams and drawings, and language would be much more schematic. Communication would be affected because it would be too basic and childish.
and we would no longer be able to make hand gestures or statements such as "what's up"

Without Displacement, language would be very bland and always current.
not sure how communication would be affected as a whole
we wouldn't be able to make statements that refer to the past or future, like what did you do last weekend, or what do you have planned next weekend?

I'm not sure about productivity either..

please help and proofread my work..

For the characteristic of Arbitrariness, your explanation is accurate. If we lose arbitrariness in language, we would rely more on visual representations like diagrams and drawings. Communication would become more schematic and basic, lacking the richness and nuance that words provide. It may even resemble a more primitive form of communication. Hand gestures and expressions like "what's up" could no longer be used effectively.

Regarding Displacement, your explanation is also on the right track. Without this characteristic, language would become limited to discussing only the present. Communication would lack the ability to reference the past or future, making discussions about personal experiences, historical events, or future plans impossible. Statements like "What did you do last weekend?" or "What do you have planned next weekend?" would no longer be possible.

As for Productivity, this characteristic refers to the capacity of language to generate new and meaningful utterances by combining and recombining words and rules. It allows for endless creativity and the ability to express novel ideas and thoughts. If we lose productivity, language would become stagnant and limited to a fixed set of expressions and phrases. Communication would lack innovation and the ability to adapt to new situations or concepts. New words, idioms, and metaphors would not be able to emerge, stifling our ability to express complex ideas.

In conclusion, your explanations for Arbitrariness and Displacement are accurate. For Productivity, I would suggest adding that without it, language would lose its flexibility, creativity, and adaptability. It would become static and unable to keep pace with the ever-evolving needs of communication.