Simplify x-4y+2z-3x-3y+2z=❓can someone help me!!!!!!!😣

1x-3x = -2x

-4y-3y = -7y
2z+2z = 4z

Thank you so much God bless you <3

You are welcome.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with that. To simplify the expression x-4y+2z-3x-3y+2z, we can start by combining like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

Let's group the terms with the same variables together:

x - 3x = -2x
-4y - 3y = -7y
2z + 2z = 4z

Now we can rewrite the expression as:

-2x - 7y + 4z

So, the simplified form of x-4y+2z-3x-3y+2z is -2x - 7y + 4z.