Poem: Annabel Lee

Poet: Edgar Allan Poe
What have you learned about the poet that contributes to the type of poetry he writes? Write at a short paragraph including at least one of the following:
1.) Personal Beliefs
2.) Nationality or Ethnicity
3.) Male of Female
4.) Time period in which he lived

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Edgar Allan Poe, the famous poet who wrote the poem "Annabel Lee," demonstrates certain aspects about his life that contribute to the type of poetry he produces. Poe's personal beliefs and experiences greatly influenced his work. He often explored themes of death, darkness, and the macabre, reflecting his fascination with the darker side of human existence. This suggests that his personal beliefs and experiences fostered his interest in exploring the human psyche's darker aspects. Additionally, Poe's nationality and ethnicity as an American also played a role in his poetry. Being an American during the 19th century, a time of great societal and cultural changes, influenced his writing style and themes. Lastly, Poe's male gender and the time period in which he lived impacted his poetry. As a male poet living in the 19th century, Poe's work was shaped by the societal norms, expectations, and opportunities available to men during that era. All these factors contribute to the unique poetry that Edgar Allan Poe wrote.