Write two paragraphs about how social media has changed the way you think about written communication

First you need to brainstorm about how your ideas have changed about written communication.

Then, write a tentative thesis statement.

Outline what you want to say.

Write your paragraphs.

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I don't know how YOUR ideas have changed. So I can't tell you what to write.

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Social media has dramatically transformed the way I think about written communication. First and foremost, it has made communication more instantaneous and informal. In the past, sending a written message involved carefully crafting a letter or email and waiting for a response. However, with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, messages can be sent instantly, allowing for real-time conversations. This has made me more accustomed to quick and casual exchanges, where brevity and speed are prioritized.

Additionally, social media has also introduced new forms of written communication, such as emojis, hashtags, and abbreviations. These elements have added a layer of expressiveness and playfulness to written messages. Emojis, for instance, allow me to convey emotions and reactions in a more visual and concise manner. Hashtags help to categorize and organize content, allowing for easier discovery. And abbreviations, like "lol" (laugh out loud) or "brb" (be right back), have become shorthand lingo that enables fast and efficient communication. Through social media, I have learned to adapt to these new forms of written language and consider their impact on my overall communication style.