The father of a junior high school student wants to determine the most popular book among junior high students. Select the sample with the least potential bias.

A. A randomly selected group of 10 book sellers

B. A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students

C. A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students leaving the public library


The group of 30 junior high students attending the birthday party of the
researcher’s child

id it D


Then the only one making sense to me is C

But students coming out of a library presumably read mostly library books.

What about B?

No, the sample with the least potential bias would be option B: A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students. This is because selecting a random group of junior high students ensures that the sample is representative of the larger population of junior high students. Option A (book sellers) would introduce bias as they may have different preferences or perspectives compared to the students. Option C (students leaving the public library) could introduce bias as it may only represent students who visit the library frequently. Option D (students attending the researcher's child's birthday party) would introduce bias as it is not representative of the larger population of junior high students.