Imagine that you are advising President Obama as he develops his address to the nation on ISIS, what specific actions would you advise him to include in his strategy to deal with the ISIS crisis?

(Based on the article: U.S. Weighs Direct Military Action Against ISIS in Syria)

English is my second language & I have trouble understanding what the article is talking about

Basically the article is debating whether the U.S. should send troops and bombs to attack ISIS in Syria and Iraq. ISIS has killed Americans, including the journalist it beheaded. Many feel that ISIS is a threat to the U.S.

On the other hand, can we defeat ISIS -- at least without killing many more Americans?

I understand that English is your second language, and I'm here to help you understand the article and advise President Obama on his strategy to deal with the ISIS crisis. First, let me summarize the article for you:

The article discusses how the U.S. government is considering taking direct military action against ISIS in Syria. It suggests that President Obama should include specific actions in his strategy to address the ISIS crisis. However, the article does not provide specific details about the actions being considered. To give you more accurate advice, let's go through a step-by-step process:

1. Understanding the context: Start by reading the article carefully and highlight any keywords or phrases that you find confusing. Take note of the main points and try to grasp the overall message. If there are any specific terms or concepts you don't understand, feel free to ask.

2. Research key terms: If there are specific words or phrases that you don't understand, conduct a quick internet search to find their meanings. This will help you comprehend the article better and analyze the actions being discussed.

3. Analyze the article: Once you have a good understanding of the main points and key terms, think critically about the options being proposed in the article. Consider the potential consequences, both positive and negative, of each action.

4. Formulate advice: Based on your analysis and understanding, develop a list of specific actions that you believe President Obama should include in his strategy to deal with the ISIS crisis. These actions could include political, diplomatic, economic, or military measures.

5. Justify your advice: For each action you propose, provide a rationale explaining why it would be effective in addressing the ISIS crisis. Consider the potential benefits, challenges, and long-term implications of each action.

Remember, this task involves analyzing a complex political issue, so don't hesitate to ask for further clarification if needed.