Blue Flags and green rushes grew along the river. whats the complete subject and the complete Predicate?

What is the verb?

The complete subject is the object doing the action.

The complete predicate is the verb and the rest of the sentence.

What’s the answer to blue flags and green rushes grew along the river

To find the complete subject and the complete predicate in a sentence, we need to identify the subject and the predicate of the sentence first.

In the given sentence, "Blue Flags and green rushes grew along the river," let's break it down:

Subject: The subject is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It typically tells us who or what is performing the action or is being described. In this sentence, the subject is "Blue Flags and green rushes." It consists of two nouns, "Blue Flags" and "green rushes," connected by the conjunction "and."

Predicate: The predicate is the part of the sentence that provides information about the subject, such as what the subject is doing or what is being said about it. In this sentence, the predicate is "grew along the river." It tells us what the subject "Blue Flags and green rushes" did, which is to grow along the river.

Complete subject: The complete subject includes all the words that make up the subject. In this sentence, the complete subject is "Blue Flags and green rushes."

Complete predicate: The complete predicate includes all the words that make up the predicate. In this sentence, the complete predicate is "grew along the river."

So, the complete subject is "Blue Flags and green rushes," and the complete predicate is "grew along the river."