The question

Answer choices
what i know is incorrect
what my answer is

1) ____________________ muchachas colombianas son bonitas.
El, La, Los, Las
Not La or El

2) Ella ____________________ una alumna en el Colegio Martí.
Soy, Eres, Es, Somos, Son
Not Somos
Am not sure, maybe son?

3) ¿Quién es ____________________ muchacho rubio?
El, La, Los, Las
Not Los or La

4) Tú ____________________ de Chicago, ¿no?
Soy, eres, Es, Somos, Son

5) Usted ____________________ de Colombia.
Eres, Es, Soy, Son
Not eres.
AM not sure

6)Claudia y María ____________________ de México.
Somos, Eres, Son, Es
Not Son or Somos

7) Alberto ____________________ de Madrid.
Es, Eres, Somos, SOy

8) ¿Cómo es ____________________ amiga de Alicia?
El, La, Los, Las

9) Nosotros ____________________ mexicanos.
Soy, Eres, es, Somos, Son
Not SOn, Soy, Somos

10) Manuel ____________________ muy cómico.
Soy, eres, Es, Somos, Son

1. Las because they're girls

2. Es because she's 1 person
3.El because he's 1 person
6.Somos or son
8. Right
9. Somos.

6 is son

Yo ____________________ de Perú.

Tú ____________________ de los Estados Unidos.

To determine the correct answers for these questions, we need to identify the correct verb form that matches the subject given in each sentence. Here's how you can find the correct answer:

1) "____________________ muchachas colombianas son bonitas."
Since "muchachas" is a feminine noun and plural, we can eliminate "El" and "La." The correct answer is "Las."

2) "Ella ____________________ una alumna en el Colegio Martí."
Since the subject is "Ella," which is singular and third person, we need to select the corresponding verb form. The correct answer is "Es."

3) "¿Quién es ____________________ muchacho rubio?"
Since "muchacho" is a masculine noun and singular, we can eliminate "Las" and "Los." The correct answer is "El."

4) "Tú ____________________ de Chicago, ¿no?"
Here, the subject is "Tú," which is second person singular. The correct answer is "Eres."

5) "Usted ____________________ de Colombia."
Since "Usted" is singular and formal, we need to choose the correct verb form. The correct answer is "Es."

6) "Claudia y María ____________________ de México."
Since the subjects are "Claudia y María," which are two people, we need a plural verb form. The correct answer is "Son."

7) "Alberto ____________________ de Madrid."
Since the subject is "Alberto," which is singular and masculine, we need to use the corresponding verb form. The correct answer is "Es."

8) "¿Cómo es ____________________ amiga de Alicia?"
Since we are referring to a singular female friend ("amiga"), the correct answer is "La."

9) "Nosotros ____________________ mexicanos."
Since the subject is "Nosotros," which is a first person plural pronoun, the correct answer is "Somos."

10) "Manuel ____________________ muy cómico."
Since the subject is "Manuel," which is singular and masculine, the correct answer is "Es."

Using the information provided, here are the correct answers for each question:

1) Las
2) Es
3) El
4) Eres
5) Es
6) Son
7) Es
8) La
9) Somos
10) Es