Which of the following is not a process of a stream load?

A. Suspension
B. Bed Load
C. Materials in solution
D. Divide
Im thinking D but also C?

I think you're right with D. Suspension, bed load and material in solution are part of stream load. I think D has nothing to do with stream load.

The correct answer is D. "Divide" is not a process of a stream load.

A stream load refers to the materials that are transported by a stream. The three processes involved in stream load are:

A. Suspension: This process occurs when small particles, such as silt or clay, are carried within the water column of the stream without settling to the bottom.

B. Bed Load: This process involves larger particles, such as sand or gravel, that are rolled, slid, or bounced along the stream bed.

C. Materials in solution: This process refers to dissolved substances, such as salts or minerals, that are carried within the water itself.

"Divide," on the other hand, refers to a geographic feature that separates the drainage basins of different streams or river systems. It is not directly related to the process of stream load.

To determine which of the options is not a process of stream load, let's understand what each option represents.

A. Suspension: It refers to the process where fine sediment particles are carried within the flowing water without settling.

B. Bed Load: It is the portion of sediment that is transported by rolling, sliding, or bouncing along the streambed.

C. Materials in solution: This process involves the transport of dissolved minerals or substances in the water.

D. Divide: A divide is not directly related to stream load. It refers to the elevated boundary or ridge between two drainage basins, separating the direction of water flow.

Based on this information, we can conclude that option D (Divide) is not a process of stream load, while option C (Materials in solution) is indeed a process of stream load.