According to James Shikwati, the most effective course of action that America and Europe can engage in to help Africa is:

Earmark funds for a specific objective.
Halt all development aid.
Encourage aid organizations to employ Africans.
None of the abov

To determine James Shikwati's view on the most effective course of action that America and Europe can engage in to help Africa, you would need to refer to his statements or writings on the topic. James Shikwati is an economist from Kenya who has been critical of foreign aid to Africa, so he might have specific recommendations in this regard.

Here's how you can find his perspective:

1. Check for interviews or articles: Look for interviews or articles where James Shikwati discusses the topic of foreign aid to Africa. You can search for keywords like "James Shikwati," "foreign aid," and "Africa" to get relevant results.

2. Consult his organization's website: James Shikwati is the founder and director of the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN), an African think tank. His organization's website might provide insights into his views on the most effective actions that America and Europe can take to help Africa.

3. Research his publications: James Shikwati may have written books, research papers, or opinion pieces that address this topic. Check platforms like academic databases, online publications, or his personal website for access to his work.

By referring to these sources, you can gain a better understanding of James Shikwati's perspective on how America and Europe can effectively help Africa.