Rainfall for September in Fiji averages 11" according to World Travel Guide. This year it rained 3% less. How many inches did it rain this year? (Round to the nearest tenth.)

11(1 - .03) = ?


answer:10.70 rounded

To find out how many inches it rained this year, we need to calculate the 3% reduction of the average rainfall of 11 inches.

Step 1: Calculate the amount reduced by 3%:
3% of 11 = (3/100) * 11 = 0.33 inches

Step 2: Subtract the reduction from the average rainfall to find the rainfall this year:
11 inches - 0.33 inches = 10.67 inches

Therefore, it rained approximately 10.7 inches this year.

To calculate the amount of rainfall this year in Fiji, we need to find 3% less than the average rainfall of 11 inches in September. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate 3% of the average rainfall.
3% of 11 inches = (3/100) x 11 = 0.03 x 11 = 0.33 inches

Step 2: Subtract the calculated value from the average rainfall.
Average rainfall - 3% = 11 inches - 0.33 inches = 10.67 inches

Therefore, it rained approximately 10.67 inches this year in Fiji.