When assessing the overall layout of a classroom, what two factors should be so clear that children's

movement behavior will be directly influenced?
A. The amount of child-accessible storage and the presence of children's art materials
B. The location of large group area and the teacher's area
C. The size of the furnishings and the numbers and locations of books
D. The boundaries and pathways

my answer is a.

I would have said D because they talk about influencing how the kids move around.

To assess the overall layout of a classroom and determine which factors may directly influence children's movement behavior, you would need to consider the different elements within the space. In this case, the question is asking for two factors that should be clear and have an impact on children's movement behavior.

Let's break down the options and see if they align with the question:

A. The amount of child-accessible storage and the presence of children's art materials.
This option is related to the organization and accessibility of storage areas and art materials. It could impact children's movement behavior as they can independently access and return materials, but it may not directly influence their overall movement throughout the classroom.

B. The location of large group area and the teacher's area.
This option considers the positioning of the large group area, where children gather for activities, and the teacher's area, where the teacher is typically stationed. These areas could influence children's movement behavior, as they might move towards or away from these spaces during different activities or instructions.

C. The size of the furnishings and the numbers and locations of books.
This option focuses on the size of the furniture and the availability and placement of books. While the size of the furnishings may impact how children move around and interact with the space, the numbers and locations of books may also influence their movement and engagement in different areas of the classroom.

D. The boundaries and pathways.
This option highlights the boundaries and pathways within the classroom. Clear boundaries and well-defined pathways can create a sense of structure and guide children's movement throughout the space.

Based on the question, it seems that the best answer would be D. The boundaries and pathways. By having clear boundaries and pathways within the classroom, children's movement behavior can be directly influenced. Establishing boundaries and pathways can help children navigate the classroom, understand designated areas for different activities, and move around the space with ease.

Therefore, while option A may be important for organization and independent access to materials, option D is more closely aligned with directly influencing children's movement behavior.