Sonia is selling her house through a real estate agent whose commission is 6% of the selling price. What should be the selling price so Sonia can get $84,600?

1.06 * 84,600 = ?


but I thought I had to set up problem as an algebraic?

0.96 x = 84,600

x = 84,600/0.96
x = $ 88,125 selling price

It should be 0.94x

wait I think it would be 0.94 not 0.96 . the answer would be 90,000

Test out both answers.

Take 0.06 of both numbers and see which one equals 84,600

To determine the selling price, we need to account for the real estate agent's commission. Since the agent's commission is 6% of the selling price, we can set up the equation:

Selling price - Agent's commission = Amount Sonia receives

Let's denote the selling price as "x". The agent's commission would then be 6% of "x", which can be expressed as 0.06x. Therefore, the equation becomes:

x - 0.06x = Amount Sonia receives

Simplifying the equation, we have:

0.94x = Amount Sonia receives

Now, we can plug in the given value for "Amount Sonia receives", which is $84,600:

0.94x = 84,600

To solve for "x," we divide both sides of the equation by 0.94:

x = 84,600 / 0.94

Calculating this, we find:

x ≈ 90,000

Therefore, the selling price should be approximately $90,000 for Sonia to receive $84,600 after paying the real estate agent's commission.