Patient has lumbar stenosis of L2-L5. At this time she would like to try conservative treatment measures. The doctor suggested that she have a lumbar epidural steroid injection performed. She agreed and presented to the pain management suite where the provider injected the area.


Diagnosis: Lumbar stenosis of L2-L5

Lumbar stenosis is a condition where the spinal canal narrows in the lower back region, specifically in the lumbar spine. In this case, the patient has lumbar stenosis involving the levels L2-L5, indicating that the narrowing of the spinal canal is located between the second and fifth lumbar vertebrae.

Procedure: Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

The chosen treatment in this scenario is a lumbar epidural steroid injection. This procedure involves injecting steroid medication into the epidural space, which is the area around the spinal cord and nerve roots in the lower back. The purpose of this injection is to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

To perform a lumbar epidural steroid injection, the patient is typically positioned lying face down on an X-ray table. The provider locates the desired injection site by palpating the patient's lower back or using fluoroscopy to guide the needle placement. The provider then cleanses the injection site with an antiseptic solution.

Next, a local anesthetic may be administered at the injection site to numb the area and minimize discomfort during the procedure. Subsequently, a needle is inserted into the epidural space under fluoroscopic guidance or by using a specialized X-ray machine, ensuring the precise placement of the medication. Once the needle is correctly positioned, the steroid medication is injected into the epidural space, delivering it directly to the affected area.

The steroid medication used in epidural injections deploys strong anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling and alleviate pain caused by lumbar stenosis. The effects of this treatment can vary among individuals, with some experiencing immediate pain relief, while others may have a delayed response.

It is important to note that lumbar epidural steroid injections are considered a conservative, non-surgical treatment option for lumbar stenosis. The goal is to manage symptoms and provide relief, allowing the patient to potentially avoid or delay more invasive options, such as surgery.