A square flower bed is 10 feet long on a side. How many plants are needed if they are spaced 6 inches apart around the outside of the bed?

With solution

Outer perimeter: 4s=4*10'=40'

Spacing = 6" = 0.5'/plant
Number required
= 40'/0.5'/plant
= 80 plants

Since the perimeter is a closed figure, there is no need to add one "at the end" as in the case of a linear row with two ends.

To find out how many plants are needed, first, we need to calculate the perimeter of the square flower bed. Since all sides of a square are equal, the perimeter can be found by multiplying the length of one side by 4.

Perimeter of the square = 10 feet x 4 = 40 feet

Now, we need to convert the spacing between plants to the same unit as the perimeter. The spacing is given as 6 inches, so we need to convert it to feet by dividing it by 12 (since there are 12 inches in a foot).

Spacing between plants in feet = 6 inches / 12 = 0.5 feet

Next, we divide the perimeter of the flower bed by the spacing between plants to determine the number of plants needed.

Number of plants = Perimeter of the square / Spacing between plants in feet
= 40 feet / 0.5 feet
= 80 plants

Therefore, 80 plants are needed if they are spaced 6 inches apart around the outside of the bed.

To find the number of plants needed, we first need to calculate the perimeter of the square flower bed. The perimeter of a square is determined by multiplying the length of one side by 4. In this case, the length of one side is given as 10 feet, so the perimeter is:

Perimeter = 10 feet × 4 = 40 feet

However, we need to convert the spacing between the plants to the same unit of measurement as the perimeter (feet). We are given that the plants are spaced 6 inches apart. There are 12 inches in a foot, so we can convert the spacing to feet by dividing 6 inches by 12:

Spacing in feet = 6 inches ÷ 12 = 0.5 feet

Since the plants are spaced around the outside of the bed, we need to subtract the total spacing from the perimeter. This will give us the remaining length available for the plants:

Remaining length = Perimeter - Total spacing

In this case:

Remaining length = 40 feet - (0.5 feet × 4) = 40 feet - 2 feet = 38 feet

Now, we can calculate the number of plants needed by dividing the remaining length by the spacing between plants:

Number of plants = Remaining length ÷ Spacing in feet

In this case:

Number of plants = 38 feet ÷ 0.5 feet = 76

Therefore, you would need 76 plants if they are spaced 6 inches apart around the outside of the 10-foot square flower bed.