all real numbers that are greater than -6 but less than 6. i kinda get it but im confused with the symbols(<,>) i don't now which ones greater or which ones less its confusing

the arrow points to the smaller number

6 < x means six is less than x
x > 2 means x is greater than 2

<= means less than or equal
>= means greater than or equal

So, you want

-6 < x < 6

think of the point of the arrow as small, so it's next to the smaller value.

I understand your confusion. The symbols < and > can be a bit tricky to remember which one means greater than and which one means less than.

To help you remember, think of the symbol < as an open mouth, always wanting to eat more, so it represents "less than". On the other hand, think of the symbol > as an arrow pointing towards the bigger side, so it represents "greater than".

Now let's apply this to your question: finding all real numbers that are greater than -6 but less than 6.

To do that, we use the symbols < and > to express the inequalities. Remember that the smaller end of the range is always on the left side of the symbol.

So, we can write it as:
-6 < x < 6

This means that "x" can be any real number that is greater than -6 and less than 6. In other words, x can take on any value between -6 and 6, excluding -6 and 6 themselves.

To express it in words, you can say: "x is greater than -6 and less than 6".

I hope this helps clarify the meaning and usage of the symbols < and > in this context! Let me know if you have any further questions.