There are 100 employees in a room. 99% are managers. How many managers must leave the room to bring down the percentage of managers to 98%?

Right now there are 99 managers.

(99 - x)/(100-x) =98/100
9900-100x = 9800-98x
-2x = -100
x = 50

now there are 99 managers
so 50 will leave
leabing 49 managers out of the 50 remaining people
49/50 = 98%

thanks Reiny

To find out how many managers must leave the room to bring down the percentage of managers to 98%, we need to determine the initial number of managers in the room.

Let's assume the initial number of managers in the room is M.

Since 99% of the employees are managers, we can express this as:

M = 0.99 * 100

Now, let's solve for M:

M = 0.99 * 100
M = 99

So, initially, there are 99 managers in the room.

To bring down the percentage of managers to 98%, we need to calculate the new total number of people in the room after some managers leave.

Let's assume that X managers leave the room.

The new total number of people in the room will be (100 - X).

The new number of managers in the room will be (M - X).

We can express the new percentage of managers as follows:

(M - X) / (100 - X) = 98 / 100

Let's solve for X:

(M - X) / (100 - X) = 98 / 100
(99 - X) / (100 - X) = 98 / 100
100(99 - X) = 98(100 - X)
9900 - 100X = 9800 - 98X
2X = 100
X = 50

Hence, 50 managers must leave the room to bring down the percentage of managers to 98%.

To answer this question, we need to find out how many managers are currently in the room and how many need to leave to change the percentage.

Step 1: Find the current number of managers in the room.
There are 100 employees in total, and 99% of them are managers. We can calculate the current number of managers by multiplying the total number of employees by the percentage of managers:
Number of managers = 100 * 99% = 100 * 0.99 = 99

Step 2: Find out how many managers need to leave.
In order to bring down the percentage of managers to 98%, we need to know the ratio of managers to the total number of employees. If x represents the number of managers who need to leave, the new number of managers will be 99 - x (since x managers have left the room).
The ratio of managers to the total number of employees needs to be 98% (or 0.98). We can set up the following equation:
(99 - x) / 100 = 0.98

Step 3: Solve the equation to find x.
To solve for x, we can cross multiply and solve for x:
99 - x = 0.98 * 100
99 - x = 98
-x = -1
x = 1

Therefore, 1 manager must leave the room to bring down the percentage of managers to 98%.