make up a set of 5 numbers having the following landmarks: median: 9, range: 7, minimum:5

start out with

x x x x x

5 x x x x

5 x x x 12


5 x 9 x 12

Now you can fill in any other values fitting in those intervals.

Make up a set of numbers having the following landmark Median 9 Range 7 mínimum 5


To create a set of 5 numbers with a median of 9, a range of 7, and a minimum of 5, we need to consider the characteristics of each landmark and how they relate to one another. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Identify the minimum value: The given minimum is 5. This means that one of the numbers in the set must be 5.

2. Determine the range: The range represents the difference between the maximum and minimum values. The given range is 7. Since the minimum value is 5, the maximum value would be 5 + 7 = 12.

3. Find the median: The median is the middle value in a set of numbers when they are arranged in order. Since we have an odd number of elements, the median would be the third number. Therefore, the third number must be 9.

4. Arrange the remaining two numbers: Now that we know the minimum, maximum, and median values, we need to distribute the remaining two numbers between these values to maintain the given landmarks.

To accomplish this, we can place the smaller of the two remaining numbers on the left side (before the median) and the larger one on the right side (after the median). The exact values, however, can be chosen freely as long as they satisfy all the landmarks.

Let's choose 7 as the smaller number and 11 as the larger number, but remember, these can be different in your own set of numbers:

The resulting set of 5 numbers that meet the given landmarks would be: 5, 7, 9, 11, 12.

Therefore, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 12 would be an example of a set of 5 numbers with a median of 9, a range of 7, and a minimum of 5.