Gilligan claims that females tend to see relationships as these (Points : 1)

To understand Gilligan's claim about how females tend to see relationships, we can refer to the work of Carol Gilligan, an American psychologist known for her research on moral development and gender differences. Gilligan proposed a unique perspective on the differences between how males and females perceive relationships, which she discussed in her book "In a Different Voice."

According to Gilligan, females tend to see relationships as "connections" or "webs of relationships." This means that they often prioritize and value the interconnectedness and mutual dependence present in relationships. The focus is on maintaining the harmony and well-being of the relational network.

To further explore Gilligan's claim and support it, you can refer to her writings, scholarly articles, or interviews where she explains her research findings and theoretical framework. Additionally, you can read other related scholarly articles on gender differences and moral development to gain a broader understanding of the topic.

It's important to approach these claims with an open and critical mind, as any generalizations about gender can overlook individual differences and the influence of culture, upbringing, and personal experiences.