What role, according to Dessner, does irony play in the story A&P by John Updikes? What levels of irony are at work in the story? For example, what does he identify as " charming irony" as compare to " deeper irony"? Explain

I couldn't find the Dessner article.

To understand the role of irony in the story "A&P" by John Updike, it would be helpful to refer to the analysis by Dessner. However, as an AI language model, I don't have direct access to specific articles or individuals' interpretations. But I can explain the concept of irony and the different levels of irony commonly found in literature to assist you in understanding Dessner's analysis or formulating your own interpretation.

Irony is a literary technique that involves expressing something that appears to be the opposite of what is intended or expected. In "A&P," irony can be seen in various ways, contributing to the overall meaning and tone of the story. Here are some common levels of irony that may be present in the story:

1. Situational Irony: This occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs. In "A&P," an example of situational irony could be the protagonist, Sammy, expecting to be praised for defending the girls' right to wear bathing suits, but instead, he faces negative consequences.

2. Verbal Irony: This is when there is a contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. In the story, Sammy uses verbal irony when he sarcastically describes the store's policy of "policy" and the "sheep" mentality of the customers, highlighting the hypocrisy and conformity present in society.

3. Dramatic Irony: This is when the audience or reader knows something that the characters in the story are unaware of. In "A&P," it may be possible to perceive dramatic irony when Sammy quits his job as a form of protest, thinking it will be celebrated by the girls, but they don't notice his actions or show any appreciation.

As for "charming irony" and "deeper irony," without the specific context or analysis from Dessner, it is difficult to provide an exact explanation. However, it is possible to speculate that charming irony refers to instances of irony that add a certain charm or humor to the story, while deeper irony might involve more complex or profound layers of irony that reveal deeper truths or social commentary.

To fully grasp Dessner's analysis and his unique interpretation of the story's irony, I recommend referring to his article or analysis directly.