
12x^2 + 8x
9x^2 - 4

12x^2+8x = 4x(3x+2)

9x^2-4 = (3x-2)(3x+2)

I think you can see which factor cancels.

thank you!

To simplify the fraction (also known as rational expression) 12x^2 + 8x / 9x^2 - 4, we can factor both the numerator and the denominator, and then cancel out any common factors.

Let's start by factoring the numerator and denominator separately:

Numerator: 12x^2 + 8x
Taking out the greatest common factor of both terms, which is 4x:
4x(3x + 2)

Denominator: 9x^2 - 4
This is a difference of squares, and can be factored as:
(3x + 2)(3x - 2)

Now that we have factored both the numerator and denominator, we can rewrite the expression as:
[4x(3x + 2)] / [(3x + 2)(3x - 2)]

Next, we can see that there is a common factor of (3x + 2) in both the numerator and denominator. We can cancel them out:
[4x(3x + 2)] / [(3x + 2)(3x - 2)] = 4x / (3x - 2)

Therefore, the simplified form of the fraction 12x^2 + 8x / 9x^2 - 4 is 4x / (3x - 2).