So in an equation if there is an alphabetic entity the equation is open?

My answer is yes

I suppose that is true.

y = 7 - 3

4 = 7 - 3

Thank you

Actually, whether an equation is considered "open" or "closed" doesn't depend on the presence of an alphabetic entity.

An equation is considered "open" if it contains one or more variables, which are typically represented by alphabetic characters. Variables are placeholders for unknown values that can take different values in different situations. For example, in the equation "x + 3 = 7", the variable "x" represents an unknown value that we want to solve for.

On the other hand, an equation is considered "closed" if it does not contain any variables. In a closed equation, all the values are known and it can be evaluated to yield a specific result. For example, the equation "7 + 3 = 10" is a closed equation because all the values are known and the equation holds true.

So, in summary, the presence of an alphabetic entity (a variable) in an equation does not determine if it is open or closed. It is the existence of unknown values (represented by variables) that categorizes an equation as open.