1/Q + 1/P = 1/B Solve for B.

Can you tell me how to start this problem off?

multiply everything both sides by B

Then multiply by P Q

so far
BP (not the oil spill company) + BQ = PQ

B (P+Q) = PQ

one more step and you are home


To solve for B in the equation 1/Q + 1/P = 1/B, we can start by manipulating the equation algebraically to isolate B on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Clear the fractions
To eliminate the fractions, we can find a common denominator for the fractions 1/Q and 1/P. The least common denominator (LCD) is the product QP, so we can multiply both sides of the equation by QP:

QP * (1/Q) + QP * (1/P) = QP * (1/B)

This simplifies to:

P + Q = BQP

Step 2: Rearrange the equation
Let's rearrange the equation so that B is on one side:

BQP = P + Q

Step 3: Divide both sides by PQ
Divide both sides of the equation by PQ to solve for B:

B = (P + Q)/(PQ)

So the solution for B is B = (P + Q)/(PQ).